Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Make Art Part of Your Life

I realized that I don't make enough art in my life. And I am very inspired by Neil Gaiman's commencement speech, so now I'm making a conscious effort to try to include art in my everyday life.

This last weekend was a good art experience. On Saturday morning I had enough time to do my sadhana (daily yoga practice), and I had a pretty good meditation at the end. I was feeling good. I sat down and started doodling with my daughter. We had a great time. She drew animals. And I drew a picture of the owl and the pussycat, going out to sea in a boat. It's only after I was done with the picture then I remember that they went out to sea in a beautiful pea green boat. Oopsie. Oh well.

The owl and the pussycat have been on my mind for quite some time now. Have been meaning to make a sculpture out of it. I will probably explore the idea for a while in drawing before I finally decide on a design. That's the lady of the sea in the picture, and she's keeping an eye on the couple.

We recently adopted a puppy. She's a very delightful little creature. I've never really had a dog in my life before, and I am loving this experience right now. Still can't quite believe that I'm a dog person now, and I even drew a picture of me and the pup. 
Yesterday I managed to sneak in two more sketches. I am sketching on anything I can find now. Trying to break the habit of thinking that art making has to be executed "properly": must have a perfectly clean table, pencils must be perfectly sharpen, must have perfectly smooth paper, planetary alignment must be perfect....etc. No. I'm allowing art to happen anytime, anywhere, with any medium. 

So I was going through some things on my bookshelf, and I pulled out a notebook that I used to write down all my wishes. I opened to one of the blank pages and drew this picture. It's another thing that I want to remind myself, to always be kind to other people and myself. I wrote down the three laws of prosperity by Yogi Bhajan:

1. Be kind to others. 
2. Never speak ill of others. 
3. Never speak ill of yourself. 

Very good advice.

And here's another idea that I want to work on. A picture of a woman holding to her heart tenderly, being kind to herself. Maybe this will become a series of print. That would be nice.

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